Loma Linda University
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Publication Year
Conference Sessions
Donn LaTour, BS; Michael Lee; Jeffrey Gardner; Harry Dao; Justin Kerstetter, MD & Ashley Elsensohn, MD
ASDP 59th Annual Meeting
Part of: Poster Defense
Audelia Arasheben, MS3; Ashley Elsensohn, MD; Mansee Desai; Michael Lee; Justin Love; Conroy Chow & Justin Kerstetter, MD
Marina Ibraheim, MD; Iesha Ticknor, BS; Michael Lee; Donovan Kearns, MD; Christina Kraus, MD & Ashley Elsensohn, MD
ASDP 60th Annual Meeting
Part of: 24th Annual Duel in Dermatopathology Resident Abstract Competition
Marina Ibraheim, MD; Amylee Martin, MD; Michael Lee; Conroy Chow; Harry Dao; Janiene Luke, MD; Ashley Elsensohn, MD; Justin Kerstetter, MD & Michael Greas, MD
ASDP 61st Annual Meeting
Part of: Poster Defense Session and Mentorship Awards (hidden)