Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
I am a dermatopathologist-scientist currently an Instructor of Clinical Investigation (KL2 Award) with Dr. Sohail Tavazoie, cross-listed at both Rockefeller University and MSKCC. I am particularly interested in questions pertaining to melanoma and cutaneous soft tissue tumor invasion and metastasis utilizing next-gen intersectional techniques. I am board-certified in both Anatomic Pathology and Dermatopathology, completing my residency at the University of California, San Francisco with an in-folded surgical pathology fellowship and my dermatopathology fellowship at MSKCC. I graduated with an MD and PhD from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (2010-2019). My thesis advisor was Dr. Andrew Ewald of the Departments of Cell Biology and Oncology. I studied the role of cell migration in organ formation and cancer metastasis.