Ohio State University Medical Center
Dr. Gerard Nuovo is a board certified anatomic pathologist who has spent his entire 30+ year career correlating the histologic features with the in situ detection of DNA, RNA, and proteins. He currently is medical director of a Molecular Pathology Laboratory (GNOME DX) that serves as a satellite laboratory for the OSUCCC. His group has invented several methodologies that can be used for the enhanced in situ detection of mRNA, viral nucleic acids, and microRNAs, including RT in situ PCR and the ultramer extension method for the latter. Further, he has extensive experience with the in situ co-localization of RNA/DNA molecules and proteins. He have published over 400 peer review manuscripts, written 6 textbooks, have done 38 invited chapters, and have been a co-PI on over 20 grants. His group was the first to show that human papillomavirus induced a type specific immunity, was one of the first groups to show that HIV-1 caused a massive infection prior to the development of AIDS, and was the first to demonstrate that SARS-CoV2 in situ caused a microangiopathy in the lung via complement activation.