BACKGROUND- Re-pigmentation in vitiligo depends on viable melanocyte stem cells (MelSCs) in lesional and perilesional skin. Very few studies have been conducted earlier to evaluate the presence and distribution of MelSCs. The objective was to evaluate the presence of MelSCs using CD34 and C-kit immunohistochemical markers and to correlate their expression with vitiligo histological score.
DESIGN- It was a cross-sectional study in a tertiary care hospital (n=33). A 3mm punch biopsy from lesional and perilesional skin was taken. After routine processing sections of 3-4 microns were taken and stained with H&E for histological scoring and IHC done for MelSCs evaluation.
RESULT AND DISCUSSION - M:F ratio was 0.83:1 with mean age at appearance of first lesion being 22.09 years. Mean histological score in lesional and perilesional skin was 2.7 and 1.18 respectively. It was significantly higher in lesional skin as compared to perilesional skin ( p < .0001). Histological examination revealed presence of melanocytes and melanin pigment in many of the vitiliginous lesion but in significantly less number and concentration. MelSCs could not be observed due to decreased expression of CD34 and c-kit in, hence no correlation was established.
CONCLUSION- Detection of melanocyte stem cells in vitiliginous lesion is important in understanding the pathogenesis and development of novel therapeutic models. CD34 and C-kit failed to demonstrate the presence of MelSCs due to their decreased expression. Hence, role of alternative markers like DCT, TRP1, and TYR needs to be explored in future studies.